Sunday, August 20, 2006
Need Help!!!
I need some help in fixing my blog. I have messed up badly in many ways and am afraid to go back to the template page lest I might do some more harm to it. My 'prebvious post' area looks like a cluttered alley - the text of the post appears right after the heading. My 'links' area is lost. There are so many blogs I read regulaly and every time I have to go through my browser's favourites link. Can somebody help me out in this matter?
I stay in Andheri west, Mumbai. Anybody got a couple of spare hours?
I stay in Andheri west, Mumbai. Anybody got a couple of spare hours?
According to Bex
According to Bex is a British comedy currently being aired on Star World. It is about Bex, a middle-aged single woman. Her good-for-nothing ex boyfriend keeps crashing into her apartment for various reasons. The office, where most of the things happen has two bosses - one is a self-centred, selfish, metrosexual guy and another is a self-centred, selfish, bitchy man-eater woman. Apart from them there are a few other characters like the cute and super-bitchy indian woman.
Last night Bex was going through a painfully long dry weekend. Some guy she sort of likes asked her "If you are not doing anything on Friday, may be we can hook up or something?" She spends the next couple of days waiting for Friday and then there are no calls from him on Friday. The whole situation and they way it is enacted is simply hilarious.
One scene in particular made me double up with laughter. Tired of waiting for the phone to ring, Bex says "There was a time when it took weeks for a letter to not reach you. Today, thanks to the revolution in communication and presence of Internet and Mobile phones, it takes just a few seconds for someone to not reach you. You can be ignored instantly."
Very True.
I was once involved in a long distance relationship. He was in Mumbai and I was elsewhere. We used to write to each other almost every day. We used to speak to each other regularly. This continued for many months. Then he moved to States for his phd and I came down to Mumbai. The emailing became irregular. The calls almost stopped. He told me he's very busy. The truth is that "busy" is a facade we built up to hide from the truth. A lot of times we ourselves try to hide from the truth, sometimes it is just for others. When we love someone, we find ways to reach them, no matter how busy we are. When the person you care for tells you that they were too busy to call or meet, start thinking.
Last night Bex was going through a painfully long dry weekend. Some guy she sort of likes asked her "If you are not doing anything on Friday, may be we can hook up or something?" She spends the next couple of days waiting for Friday and then there are no calls from him on Friday. The whole situation and they way it is enacted is simply hilarious.
One scene in particular made me double up with laughter. Tired of waiting for the phone to ring, Bex says "There was a time when it took weeks for a letter to not reach you. Today, thanks to the revolution in communication and presence of Internet and Mobile phones, it takes just a few seconds for someone to not reach you. You can be ignored instantly."
Very True.
I was once involved in a long distance relationship. He was in Mumbai and I was elsewhere. We used to write to each other almost every day. We used to speak to each other regularly. This continued for many months. Then he moved to States for his phd and I came down to Mumbai. The emailing became irregular. The calls almost stopped. He told me he's very busy. The truth is that "busy" is a facade we built up to hide from the truth. A lot of times we ourselves try to hide from the truth, sometimes it is just for others. When we love someone, we find ways to reach them, no matter how busy we are. When the person you care for tells you that they were too busy to call or meet, start thinking.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
The Devil Wears Provogue

I am reading ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ and every page reminds me of my first job.
I was hired to work for this mnc and the boss number two happened to be an alumnus of my business school. A fact that gave me solace – till I started work.
He is one of the most devious pieces of meat treading the face of the earth. Attired in his crisply ironed shirts and Satya Paul neck-ties he is a male version of Miranda Priestly. We will soon get to see Meryl Streep playing Miranda Priestly, trying to make Anne Hathaway’s life as difficult as is humanely possible to make.
The mind-fucking ways of this former boss of mine have left life-long scars on many a minds. Freshly out of college, brimming with ideas, ready to take on the world, we never realized that the corporate world is full of dark alleys and darker inhabitants.
I remember one incident in particular when KS while out in the field stepped on a glass while running away from the rain and cut her heel badly. There at Charni Road station she sat and called the devil to inform him about his predicament; and in return she got this “why do you wear chappals (slip ons) like a Behenji (hindi word used to symbolize a woman/girl who dresses and acts like a traditional Indian woman)and not shoes?” She broke down and I sat there trying to console her. She switched her job within next couple of months. She is doing great now.
I stayed there for a little over a year before I got myself another job.