The Devil Wears Provogue

I am reading ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ and every page reminds me of my first job.
I was hired to work for this mnc and the boss number two happened to be an alumnus of my business school. A fact that gave me solace – till I started work.
He is one of the most devious pieces of meat treading the face of the earth. Attired in his crisply ironed shirts and Satya Paul neck-ties he is a male version of Miranda Priestly. We will soon get to see Meryl Streep playing Miranda Priestly, trying to make Anne Hathaway’s life as difficult as is humanely possible to make.
The mind-fucking ways of this former boss of mine have left life-long scars on many a minds. Freshly out of college, brimming with ideas, ready to take on the world, we never realized that the corporate world is full of dark alleys and darker inhabitants.
I remember one incident in particular when KS while out in the field stepped on a glass while running away from the rain and cut her heel badly. There at Charni Road station she sat and called the devil to inform him about his predicament; and in return she got this “why do you wear chappals (slip ons) like a Behenji (hindi word used to symbolize a woman/girl who dresses and acts like a traditional Indian woman)and not shoes?” She broke down and I sat there trying to console her. She switched her job within next couple of months. She is doing great now.
I stayed there for a little over a year before I got myself another job.
Loved reading Devil wesrs Prada. ny idea when's the movie coming to India? Have seen no promotions or soon to release dates yet.
if the book is good the movie was a blast
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